Friday, 17 January 2020

World's oceans warmer in 2019 than any other time in human history

World's oceans warmer in 2019 than any other time in human history

The world's oceans were the warmest in 2019 than any other time in recorded humanhistory. This was disclosed by a study published in the journal Advances inAtmospheric Sciences. The researchers noted that the year 2019 broke theprevious records set in prior years for global warming, and the effects arealready appearing in the form of more extreme weather, rising sea levels andharm to ocean animals.

The study also found that the past ten years have been the warmest on recordfor global ocean temperatures, with the last five years holding the highestrecord.

An associate professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) Lijing Chengsaid, the amount of heat that has been put in the world's oceans in the past 25years equals to 3.6 billion Hiroshima atom-bomb explosions.

The international team of 14 scientists from 11 institutes across the world,call for action to reverse climate change. According to the researchers, humanscan work to reverse their effect on the climate, but the ocean will take longerto respond than atmospheric and land environments.

The researchers used a relatively new method of analysis to account forpotentially sparse data and time discrepancies in instruments that werepreviously used to measure ocean warmth, especially from the ocean surface to2,000 metres deep.

The newly available data allowed the researchers to examine warmth trendsdating back to the 1950s.

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