Neutral pronoun 'they' has been voted as Word of the Decade
Neutral pronoun 'they' has been voted word of the decade by US language experts, beating out other contenders.
They prefer the plural neutral pronoun to bypass using the pronouns "he" or "she".
The recognition comes after US dictionary Merriam-Webster in December named "they" as word of the year.
The American Dialect Society had previously named "they" word of the year in 2015.
Neutral pronoun 'they' has been voted word of the decade by US language experts, beating out other contenders.
They prefer the plural neutral pronoun to bypass using the pronouns "he" or "she".
The recognition comes after US dictionary Merriam-Webster in December named "they" as word of the year.
The American Dialect Society had previously named "they" word of the year in 2015.
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