Monday, 16 December 2019

Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI)

Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI)

According to the CCPI, none of the countries has yet achieved a performance across all indicators that can be qualified as “very high” because no country fulfils the requirements to limit global warming to well below 2°C, as agreed in the Paris Agreement.

This is why the first three places in the final ranking remain unoccupied. In the index for 2019, Sweden led the ranking, followed by Morocco and Lithuania. The last three ranks were taken by Saudi Arabia, the USA and Iran.

 EU countries such as Sweden (4th) and Denmark (5th), one of the best climbers, achieve overall high or very high ratings, the performance of EU countries varies largely.

China, the largest global emitter slightly improves its ranking in the index to 30th place.

While only two G20 countries, the UK (7th) and India (9th), are ranked in the high category, eight G20 countries are remaining in the worst category of the index.

Australia (56th out of 61), Saudi Arabia and above all the US perform particularly poor.

The index is jointly presented by Germanwatch, NewClimate Institute and Climate Action Network.

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